Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcoming the Month of
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Taken from the last sermon given Prophet Muhammad (s) on the last day of Sha’ban on the reception of the month of Ramadhan:

“O People! Indeed ahead of you is the blessed month of Allah.
A month of blessing, mercy and forgiveness.
A month which with Allah is the best of months.
Its days, the best of days, its nights,
the best of nights, and its hours, the best of hours.
It is the month which invites you to be the guests of Allah
and invites you to be one of those near to Him.

Each breath you take glorifies him;
your sleep is worship,
your deeds are accepted and your supplications are answered.

Remember the hunger and thirst of the day of Qiyaamah (Judgment)
with your hunger and thirst;
give alms to the needy and poor,
honor your old, show kindness to the young ones,
maintain relations with your blood relations;
guard your tongues,
close your eyes to that which is not permissible for your sight,
close your ears to that which is forbidden to hear,
show compassion to the orphans of people
so compassion may be shown to your orphans.

Repent to Allah for your sins
and raise your hands in du’a during these times,
for they are the best of times and
Allah looks towards his creatures with kindness,
replying to them during the hours
and granting their needs if he is asked...

O People! Indeed your souls are
dependant on your deeds, free it with Istighfar (repentance)
lighten its loads by long prostrations;
and know that Allah swears by his might:
That there is no punishment for the one who
prays and prostrates and he shall have no fear of the fire on the
day when man stands before the Lord of the worlds.

O People! One who gives Iftaar to a fasting person during this month will be like one who has freed
someone and his past sins will be forgiven.

The Prophet (s) said: "Allah gives this reward even if the Iftaar (meal) is a drink of water."

One who has good morals (Akhlaq)
during this month will be able to pass the
‘Siraat’...on the day that feet will slip...
One who covers the faults of others
will benefit in that Allah will curb
His anger on the day of Judgment...
As for one who honors an orphan;
Allah will honor him on the day of judgment,
And for the one who spreads his kindness,
Allah will spread His mercy over him on the day of Judgment.
As for the one who cuts the ties of relation;
Allah will cut His mercy from him...
Who so ever performs a recommended prayer in this month
Allah will keep the fire of Hell away from him...
Whoever performs an obligator prayer
Allah will reward him with seventy prayers [worth] in this month.
And who so ever prays a lot during this month
will have his load lightened on the day of measure.
He who recites one verse of the holy Qur'an
will be given the rewards of reciting the whole Qur’an during other months.

O People!
Indeed during this month
the doors of heaven are open, therefore ask Allah not to close them for you;
The doors of hell are closed, so ask Allah to keep them closed for you.
During this month Shaytan (Satan) is imprisoned
so ask your Lord not to let him have power over you."

English Panel,
Usrah STIAS 2010.

ABC - the alphabetical islamic words

ABC – the alphabetical Islamic Words

A is for Allah
Lord of the Universe, who is One,
He made the earth, stars, and sun
He made angels to worship and pray,
He made man from a dab of clay

B is for Bilal
Bilal is that tall, brave African man,
Islam freed him and gave him iman
Calling the Muslims to come and pray,
Was his duty each night and day

C is for Children
Black, white, red, yellow, and brown,
Better than the jewels in a crown
Laughing or crying, short or tall,
Allah loves children, one and all

D is for Du'a
Remembering Allah all nights and days,
By giving Him our thanks and praise
Thank Allah with "Al Hamdulillah"
And praise Him with "Subhanallah

E is for Earth
With its mountains, rivers, and seas,
Animals, birds, fruits, and trees
They all declare Allah's Might,
Following His laws, wills, and light

F is for Faith
That which the Muslims call Iman,
Is in the heart of the believing man
Will come from his lip and hand,
Love for Allah pouring out like sand

G is for Gabriel
An angel (called Jibraeel in Islam) created by Allah from light,
His duty is to serve Allah all day and night
To Prophet Muhammad (S) he did appear,
To bring mankind the Holy Qur'an so dear

The other letters are to be continued….

English panel,
Usrah STIAS.

شجاعة رسول الله

لا يمكن أن نتصور أن هناك بطلا أعظم من رسول الله H لأنه لم ير في حياته أبدا وهو مضطرب أو خائف.وكان رسولنا H يظهر ثابتا صابرا في مواجهة المواقف والأحوال كلها.ولم يغلب عليه في أي وقت الخوف والإضطراب.

وقد مر رسول الله H بلا خوف بين من يريدون قتله وهو يقرأ ها تين الايتين من سورة يس. وقد وصفه سيدنا علي رضي الله عنه فقال- (لقد رأيتنا يوم بدر ونحن نلوذ برسول الله H وهو أقربنا إلى لعدو وكان من أشد الناس يومئذ بأس) (حديث رواية أحمد)

مرة اخرى يصف البراء H شجاعة الحبيب الأكرام H فيقول[كنا والله أذا اشتد البأس واحر الحد ق نتقي به. وإن شجاع منا اللذي يحاذي به يعني النبي H

وكان H يحارب في المقدمة دائما لإعلاء كلمة الله تعالى. وفي غزوة حنين التي اهتز في بدايتها جيش المسلمين,لم يهتز رسول الله H وأظهر صلابة وقوة وألقى بنفسه في صفوف العدو, وتقدم إلى العدو راكبا بغلته؛ فزادت شجاعة أصحابه. وفي النهاية انتصر في الغزوة بفضل من الله تعالى ومعاونته.(حديث رواية مسلم)

وكان H يقول: [والذي نفس محمد بيده لوددت أن أغزو في سبيل الله فأقتل ثم أغزو فأ قتل ثم أغزو فأقتل](حديث رواية مسلم)

- والله تعالى أعلى وأعلم -


Program muzakarah usrah perdana stias telah dirasmikan pada tarikh 14 februari 2010 bersamaan 29 safar 1431 . Muzakarah usrah perdana ini diadakan 2kali setiap bulan pada hari ahad . Ahli usrah terdiri daripada pelajar- pelajar stias lelaki dan perempuan . Tujuan :
Tujuan diadakan muzakarah usrah perdana ini untuk memantapkan kefahaman dan pemikiran kepada pelajar – pelajar tentang manhaj serta method ahli sunnah wal jamaah di sekolah tinggi islam as sofa . Selain itu meniliti dan memahami wacana pemikiran pengasas sekolah Tinggi Islam as Sofa al fadhil As syeikh Tuan Guru Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaluddin al Maliki . Matlamat :
Melahirkan pelajar yang memahami serta menghayati manhaj ahli sunnah wal jamaah yang merupakan manhaj sekolah tinggi islam as sofa . Membentuk kader – kader ilmuan islam yang peka tentang isu – isu semasa dan seterusnya dapat menyumbang tenaga dan pemikiran di dalam dakwah islamiyah .Selain itu mengeratkan silaturrahim dan kasih sayang diantara pelajar .


“ muzakarah usrah bulanan stias sesi 2010 “
Dasar muzakarah usrah :
Al quran – hadith – ijma – qiyas .


Judul kitab : Agamamu Dalam Bahaya .
Pengarang : Al allamah Abu abdullah ‘Alawi al Yamani .
Diterjemah : As syeikh Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaluddin al Maliki .
Rujukan : I’tiqad Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah .
Pengarang : Al allamah Muhammad Mukhtar Ibn ‘Atorid .
Diterjemah : As syeikh Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaluddin al Maliki .