Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Praise be to Allah the Exalted who has blessed us, His powerless servants, with the joy and peace of true faith; and peace and blessings be on the Endless Pride if the Universe, Prophet Muhammad who has led humanity from darkness to boundless light.

Mercy is a very important part in Islam. We as Muslims have to try our best to be merciful to others. Our Prophet Rasulullah is the best example of being merciful after Allah the Almighty. One of Allah’s beautiful names is ‘Ar-Rahiim’ which means ‘the Merciful’. To be a good Muslim, we must follow the examples set by Allah and our Prophet. Mercy is not only restricted to human beings, we must also be merciful to animals. Let us read, understand and examplify these stories below.

Bayazid Bistami, may Allah be pleased with him, was on a trip. He rested briefly under a tree before continuing his journey.
After resuming his trip, he saw some ants on his bag. He felt sorry for having separated the ants from their home and families. He was so deeply moved by the thought of their separation that he returned to the tree which he had rested and returned them to the very point his bag has been sitting.

Junayd Baghdadi fell asleep one morning on his cloak before departing for the mosque for the morning prayer. Shortly thereafter, a cat lied down beside him and fell asleep. On seeing the situation, he decided not to disturb the cat’s sleep. Instead, he contemplated performing the prayer witout the mantle, but ultimately decided it was inappropriate. Finally, he elected to slowly cut off the piece where the cat was resting so as to not wake it up, put the cloak on and then proceed to the mosque. While walking to the mosque, the cat continued to sleep comfortably.

Prophet Muhammad said: “A carelees woman who caused the death of her cat by not feeding it will be punished in the Hellfire. On the contrary, a sinful woman, who gave some water to a thirsty dog, is to be forgiven by Allah.

These incidents, buorne of boundless love for the Creator, demonstrate unconditional love for the creatures of the Earth and serve to illustrate the fathomless depth of heart that exists in a believer who is close to Allah.

(Adapted from ‘Tears of the Heart’ by Osman Nuri Topbas)

English panel,
Usrah STIAS.

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Program muzakarah usrah perdana stias telah dirasmikan pada tarikh 14 februari 2010 bersamaan 29 safar 1431 . Muzakarah usrah perdana ini diadakan 2kali setiap bulan pada hari ahad . Ahli usrah terdiri daripada pelajar- pelajar stias lelaki dan perempuan . Tujuan :
Tujuan diadakan muzakarah usrah perdana ini untuk memantapkan kefahaman dan pemikiran kepada pelajar – pelajar tentang manhaj serta method ahli sunnah wal jamaah di sekolah tinggi islam as sofa . Selain itu meniliti dan memahami wacana pemikiran pengasas sekolah Tinggi Islam as Sofa al fadhil As syeikh Tuan Guru Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaluddin al Maliki . Matlamat :
Melahirkan pelajar yang memahami serta menghayati manhaj ahli sunnah wal jamaah yang merupakan manhaj sekolah tinggi islam as sofa . Membentuk kader – kader ilmuan islam yang peka tentang isu – isu semasa dan seterusnya dapat menyumbang tenaga dan pemikiran di dalam dakwah islamiyah .Selain itu mengeratkan silaturrahim dan kasih sayang diantara pelajar .


“ muzakarah usrah bulanan stias sesi 2010 “
Dasar muzakarah usrah :
Al quran – hadith – ijma – qiyas .


Judul kitab : Agamamu Dalam Bahaya .
Pengarang : Al allamah Abu abdullah ‘Alawi al Yamani .
Diterjemah : As syeikh Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaluddin al Maliki .
Rujukan : I’tiqad Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah .
Pengarang : Al allamah Muhammad Mukhtar Ibn ‘Atorid .
Diterjemah : As syeikh Muhammad Fuad bin Kamaluddin al Maliki .